Your Mid-Level Donors and March Madness: How to Organize the Tournament, Craft the Brackets and Play the Game

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Your mid-level donors are a wide range of caring individuals with varying degrees of future philanthropic potential. As a research professional, we'll discuss your role in assessing the field of hopeful major donors, organizing and managing the process, and developing a game plan with your advancement partners.

3 Takeaways  
* Assessment techniques to understand your mid-level donor population  
* Keys to an effective and vibrant prospect and moves management program  
* Strategies for creating a game plan with your development officers are going to the "Big Dance!"

Carol Belair

Strategic Consultant

Principal at Blackbaud

Carol joined Blackbaud in 2003 and has been in non-profit fundraising prospect research and analytics since 1995.  She has served hundreds of clients, written papers, blogs and articles and speaks at several conferences, including bbcon and Apra, with a focus on co-presenting with her Blackbaud nonprofit clients.  Carol feels privileged to help nonprofit organizations on a day-to-day basis achieve their goals using Blackbaud’s Giving Insights solutions and ResearchPoint software.

Tanya Cole

Strategic Consultant, Principle


Tanya joined Blackbaud in 2019.  She has served the Minneapolis/St. Paul community since 1993 in a variety of roles, mainly involving prospect research and prospect management as well as annual giving and campaign management.  A two-time Apra-Minnesota board member and long-time Blackbaud power user, Tanya enjoys educating and exciting her clients in using their Blackbaud analytics tools to reach new philanthropic success.


Your Mid-Level Donors and March Madness: How to Organize the Tournament, Craft the Brackets and Play the Game
Recorded 08/28/2023  |  60 minutes
Recorded 08/28/2023  |  60 minutes Your mid-level donors are a wide range of caring individuals with varying degrees of future philanthropic potential. As a research professional, we'll discuss your role in assessing the field of hopeful major donors, organizing and managing the process, and developing a game plan with your advancement partners.