Ready, Set, Go! Creating Prospect Management Department in a Remote Environment

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Are you interested in starting (or shifting) to an all remote Prospect Management team? I will walk through my process of being 468 miles away from campus and starting a Prospect Management Department. How did I get Development Officers excited about Prospect Management and the strategy I took when implementing change. Topics will include reining in big ideas, safe spaces and encouraging fundraisers, and reporting that can tell a story.

Holly Weimer

Sr. Director of Prospect Management

University of South Florida


Ready, Set, Go! Creating Prospect Management Department in a Remote Environment
Recorded 08/28/2023  |  60 minutes
Recorded 08/28/2023  |  60 minutes Are you interested in starting (or shifting) to an all remote Prospect Management team? I will walk through my process of being 468 miles away from campus and starting a Prospect Management Department. How did I get Development Officers excited about Prospect Management and the strategy I took when implementing change. Topics will include reining in big ideas, safe spaces and encouraging fundraisers, and reporting that can tell a story.