Philanthropic LLCs: the future of giving

Recorded On: 09/22/2020

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Philanthropic LLCs are becoming more and more common, but what exactly are these entities and how do they differ from traditional ways of giving? This session will cover the differences between Philanthropic LLCs and foundations, and will provide information on how to find the giving history of these up-and-coming organizations.

This webinar is worth (1) CFRE point. 

This session is part of the PD 2020: The Future of Giving Bundle.


Philanthropic LLCs: the future of giving
Recorded 09/22/2020
Recorded 09/22/2020 Philanthropic LLCs are becoming more and more common, but what exactly are these entities and how do they differ from traditional ways of giving? This session will cover the differences between Philanthropic LLCs and foundations, and will provide information on how to find the giving history of these up-and-coming organizations.

Sarah Doering

Research Analyst

The University of Texas at Austin