Partners in Fundraising: Facilitating an Effective and Collaborative Portfolio Review Meeting

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    • Non-member - $110
    • Professional Member - $65
    • Associate Member - $65

Prospect development professionals and front-line fundraisers are most effective when they work together to advance prospect strategy. Often the monthly portfolio review meeting is the only time both individuals have to review activity, prospect strategy, and planned asks. Therefore, it is crucial for teams to capitalize on this time by understanding and implementing techniques that will increase the productivity and impact of portfolio review meetings. 

This session will guide participants through best practices and creative strategies for collaborating with fundraisers and making the most of portfolio review meetings. CCS will walk through key activities and strategic questions that should be considered in preparation for the meeting, during the portfolio conversation, and effective follow-up. CCS will share real-world examples and deliverables to showcase how effective portfolio meetings are conducted and spark discussion with the audience.

Learning Objectives:

  • Attendees will learn how to create an effective portfolio review agenda
  • Attendees will leave with a selection of strategic questions and next steps to facilitate portfolio review conversations

Rachelle Ficke

Senior Director


Partners in Fundraising: Facilitating an Effective and Collaborative Portfolio Review Meeting
Recorded 08/21/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 08/21/2024  |  60 minutes