Managing Organizational Change and Encouraging Collaboration Across Departments in a Complex University System

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The University of Illinois is a complex system comprised of three universities, including the flagship campus at Urbana-Champaign. The prospect research department is housed in a related organization, the University of Illinois Foundation. Senior Director of Performance Management Katie Harrell and Director of Research and Portfolio Management Caroline Nappo will share how they work with their teams and one another to identify business needs and generate solutions. This presentation will highlight examples of how different yet related advancement departments successfully collaborate to achieve shared goals around such areas as referral generation, data integrity, fundraiser education, and tools.

Caroline Nappo

Director of Research and Portfolio Management

University of Illinois Foundation

Katie Harrell

Senior Director of Performance Management Operations

University of Illinois

Katie Harrell, Senior Director of Performance Management Operations at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is an MBA-educated advancement professional with a proven track record of implementing organizational change in complex, matrixed organizations. A strategic leader in philanthropy in higher education, Katie believes strong systems drive excellence in performance, which is summed up well by James Clear, ‘You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the levels of your systems’. Katie couples her background in analytics and business operations with experience across advancement functions to translate data to strategy and back again, filling the gap between technical and strategic advancement operations. 


Managing Organizational Change and Encouraging Collaboration Across Departments in a Complex University System
Recorded 08/28/2023  |  60 minutes
Recorded 08/28/2023  |  60 minutes The University of Illinois is a complex system comprised of three universities, including the flagship campus at Urbana-Champaign. The prospect research department is housed in a related organization, the University of Illinois Foundation. Senior Director of Performance Management Katie Harrell and Director of Research and Portfolio Management Caroline Nappo will share how they work with their teams and one another to identify business needs and generate solutions. This presentation will highlight examples of how different yet related advancement departments successfully collaborate to achieve shared goals around such areas as referral generation, data integrity, fundraiser education, and tools.