Getting Data In and Out of R Quickly and Easily

Recorded On: 11/13/2019

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Everybody knows that if you’re serious about data science, you’ve supposed to be using R. But then you try to get started and all you seem to be able to do is futz around this with this mysterious mtcars data set. Sure, you tried importing your data by clicking on that “Import Dataset” button, but surely you don’t have to do that every single time your data changes? And now that I’ve done some analysis, how do I get this data back out? We’ll look at a bunch of different ways to push data into and out of R, and how you can set up your own workflows so that you can spend your brainpower on analysis, instead of on the day to day stuff.

This webinar is worth (1) CFRE point.

This session is part of the Plug In to Data Science Bundle.


Getting Data In and Out of R Quickly and Easily
Recorded 11/13/2019
Recorded 11/13/2019 Everybody knows that if you’re serious about data science, you’ve supposed to be using R. But then you try to get started and all you seem to be able to do is futz around this with this mysterious mtcars data set. Sure, you tried importing your data by clicking on that “Import Dataset” button, but surely you don’t have to do that every single time your data changes? And now that I’ve done some analysis, how do I get this data back out? We’ll look at a bunch of different ways to push data into and out of R, and how you can set up your own workflows so that you can spend your brainpower on analysis, instead of on the day to day stuff.

Jacob Tolbert

Director of Data Services

Milikin University

With almost 10 years of experience in higher ed development, managing data and doing the sort of analytics that prospect researchers and development officers need to be successful, Jacob Tolbert brings an analytical approach to make sure colleagues have the information and tools they need. Whether building models, helping engagement staff identify alumni in a new city or focusing development officers on particular prospects, Jake finds ways to put data to work.