Crafting a Data Story: U.S. Government Shutdown Impact

Recorded On: 11/13/2019

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Feverish coding and fancy statistical techniques to generate data is just one aspect of a data scientist's job, constructing a narrative and communicating results to be accessible to non-technical audiences are just as important! This session will explore how to craft a data story through the lens of a LinkedIn analysis evaluating the impact of the recent U.S. government shutdown, which was covered by media such as the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.

This webinar is worth (1) CFRE point.

This session is part of the Plug In to Data Science Bundle.


Crafting a Data Story: U.S. Government Shutdown Impact
Recorded 11/13/2019
Recorded 11/13/2019 Feverish coding and fancy statistical techniques to generate data is just one aspect of a data scientist’s job, constructing a narrative and communicating results to be accessible to non-technical audiences are just as important! This session will explore how to craft a data story through the lens of a LinkedIn analysis evaluating the impact of the recent U.S. government shutdown, which was covered by media such as the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.

Brian Xu

Data Scientist


Brian Xu is a data scientist at LinkedIn working to turn LinkedIn’s Economic Graph data of more than 645+ million members into insights and stories that help create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. Brian produces LinkedIn’s official monthly Workforce Report, which shares hiring, migration and skill gaps insights and is covered by prominent media outlets in conversations on the labor market and economy. Brian has also worked on numerous projects with partners like the World Bank seeking to make LinkedIn data available to help policymakers around the world understand their workforces and make decisions. For more information on the LinkedIn Economic Graph, please visit