Closing Time: Calculating Risk to Encourage Proposal Velocity

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How can your organization raise more major gift dollars with the same number of frontline fundraisers and roughly the same number of donors? Can your Prospect Development team help? Hear members of the LSU Foundation's PD and Information and Technology Services teams discuss how they partnered to apply benchmarks derived from historical data to identify high-risk proposals and encourage movement through the proposal pipeline. Attendees will take away inspiration for how advancement services teams can impact pipeline and fundraising dollars; insight into how to formulate velocity benchmarks for your organization; and actionable steps for how to visualize proposal risk for your team.

Ashley Mick

Associate Director of Prospect Management

LSU Foundation


Closing Time: Calculating Risk to Encourage Proposal Velocity
Recorded 08/28/2023  |  60 minutes
Recorded 08/28/2023  |  60 minutes How can your organization raise more major gift dollars with the same number of frontline fundraisers and roughly the same number of donors? Can your Prospect Development team help? Hear members of the LSU Foundation's PD and Information and Technology Services teams discuss how they partnered to apply benchmarks derived from historical data to identify high-risk proposals and encourage movement through the proposal pipeline. Attendees will take away inspiration for how advancement services teams can impact pipeline and fundraising dollars; insight into how to formulate velocity benchmarks for your organization; and actionable steps for how to visualize proposal risk for your team.