Campaign Goal and Staffing Size Decisions: Two Sanity Checks Sure to Please

Recorded On: 08/20/2018

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Session attendees will hear the happy tale of the Executive who met with the Board Chair wanting a campaign goal twice what was feasible. The happy Executive in this happy tale leveraged his Prospect Research Department to create two sanity checks in campaign goal planning. The Presenter, Advancement Research Analyst Dr. Stephen Lambert, will demonstrate how solicitor-generated revenues and Gift Officer characteristics can reveal the future possibilities of a campaign. Attendees will learn an historical averages method and a regression method for campaign goal and campaign staffing planning. The Presenter will demonstrate the two models and describe their inputs. Attendees will learn that Gift Officer counts, gift closure amounts, Gift Officer tenure, and gift closure counts feed two powerful forecasts any one can do today.

This webinar is worth (1) CFRE point. 


Campaign Goal and Staffing Size Decisions: Two Sanity Checks Sure to Please
Recorded 08/20/2018
Recorded 08/20/2018 Session Attendees will hear the happy tale of the Executive who met with the Board Chair wanting a campaign goal twice what was feasible. The happy Executive in this happy tale leveraged his Prospect Research Department to create two sanity checks in campaign goal planning. The Presenter, Advancement Research Analyst Dr. Stephen Lambert, will demonstrate how solicitor-generated revenues and Gift Officer characteristics can reveal the future possibilities of a campaign. Attendees will learn an historical averages method and a regression method for campaign goal and campaign staffing planning. The Presenter will demonstrate the two models and describe their inputs. Attendees will learn that Gift Officer counts, gift closure amounts, Gift Officer tenure, and gift closure counts feed two powerful forecasts any one can do today. Attendees will receive an Excel spreadsheet example of both models and will understand their place in triangulating data for a campaign goal’s feasibility.

Stephen Lambert

Senior Advancement Analyst

Susquehanna University