A Social Network: A Pipeline for Future Campaigns

Recorded On: 09/17/2020

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Annual giving programs face the challenge of being effectively incorporated into a major gift pipeline. In particular, donors who do not qualify based on capacity are sent to stewardship or taken out of the pipeline altogether. This applies to a younger demographic (Millennials) of recent graduates who want to remain connected to their alma mater but are not identified as major giving prospects. At Santa Clara University, we have created a Social Network to better engage our Young Alumni with the aim of increasing affinity and creating habit of investment in the institution. This Digital Space will provide a means of testing the effectiveness of university content, events and other offerings that resonate with a Millennial audience. 

This exchange will accomplish three objectives:
1. The creation of a machine learning algorithm to measure millennial engagement
2. Establishment of a protocols to better generate resonance between millennials and a brand (alma mater)
3. Identification of the varied personas represented within the millennial population, their role and network influence. 

Our findings will measure the interaction and engagement between our Leadership Annual Giving Team and a group of at least 200 young alumni through a member-only and advocate led alumni chapter. Eventually, this longer term pipeline could eventually fill major gift portfolios when the wealth capacity threshold has been met. Ultimately, we will be able to understand what brands are likely to resonate most with a Millennial population in general.

This webinar is worth (1) CFRE point.

This session is part of the PD 2020: The Future of Giving Bundle.


A Social Network: A Pipeline for Future Campaigns
Recorded 09/17/2020
Recorded 09/17/2020 Annual giving programs face the challenge of being effectively incorporated into a major gift pipeline. In particular, donors who do not qualify based on capacity are sent to stewardship or taken out of the pipeline altogether. This applies to a younger demographic (Millennials) of recent graduates who want to remain connected to their alma mater but are not identified as major giving prospects. At Santa Clara University, we have created a Social Network to better engage our Young Alumni with the aim of increasing affinity and creating habit of investment in the institution. This Digital Space will provide a means of testing the effectiveness of university content, events and other offerings that resonate with a Millennial audience.

Pavel Rutherford

Associate Director, Prospect Management & Analytics

Santa Clara University

Pavel Rutherford is a campaign strategist with 14 years of experience in the realm of prospect development and analytics. He presently works as an Associate Director of Prospect Management and Analytics at Santa Clara University where he is involved in establishing the use of Deep Learning and AI. He attended Southern Adventist University where he studied music (viola performance) and Spanish. Pavel completed his MBA at La Sierra University. His master’s thesis is focused on measuring the factors that increase resonance between a brand and its audience/customers.

Patricia Salazar


Santa Clara University

Frankie Bastone


Santa Clara University