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Apra has made it easier for you to navigate and determine the best-recorded content for your needs by creating education bundles that target your education, from Conference Highlights to Ethics in Action to Wealth Indicators and more. New to Prospect Research? Take advantage of the Apra Fundamentals online modules to fast-track your onboarding. 


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Gain prospect development knowledge, on us! Watch the industry panel "President's Panel: Apra Leaders Reflect on the Past and Plan for the Future" recorded at the Prospect Development virtual event in July 2021. 

Upcoming Webinars

  • Contains 9 Product(s)

    Join your peers at Apra's signature virtual event, Plug In to Technology, unfolding over two dynamic days on May 21-22, 2024, featuring diverse sessions aimed at harnessing the power of technology in the nonprofit sector. Join industry leaders and experts in an interactive webinar format as they explore AI and its impact on fundraising and prospect identification. Uncover the secrets of successful CRM conversions, change management, and consolidation, concluding with the essential skill of building metrics for your CRM. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to revolutionize your organization’s technological landscape. Register now and Plug In for a future of amplified impact! #PlugInTech2024

    Join your peers at Apra's signature virtual event, Plug In to Technology, unfolding over two dynamic days on May 21-22, 2024, featuring diverse sessions aimed at harnessing the power of technology in the nonprofit sector. Join industry leaders and experts in an interactive webinar format as they explore AI and its impact on fundraising and prospect identification. Uncover the secrets of successful CRM conversions, change management, and consolidation, concluding with the essential skill of building metrics for your CRM. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to revolutionize your organization’s technological landscape. Register now and Plug In for a future of amplified impact! #PlugInTech2024

  • Contains 2 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 05/30/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)

    In recognition of Mental Health Awareness month in May and to follow up on a similar popular article series in Connections, this webinar is intended to provide guidance from peers who have found success caring for their physical, mental, and emotional health in a variety of working environments. Given the various sizes, institutions, and work environments – namely, in-person, hybrid, and remote – attendees will likely pick up one or more ideas for how to prioritize their well-being, while working effectively.* *Full participation is applicable for 1.0 points in Category 1.B -Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

    In recognition of Mental Health Awareness month in May and to follow up on a similar popular article series in Connections, this webinar is intended to provide guidance from peers who have found success caring for their physical, mental, and emotional health in a variety of working environments. Given the various sizes, institutions, and work environments – namely, in-person, hybrid, and remote – attendees will likely pick up one or more ideas for how to prioritize their well-being, while working effectively.*
    *Full participation is applicable for 1.0 points in Category 1.B -Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification. 

    Jennifer Huebner (Moderator)

    Director, Director of Prospect Research

    The Humane Society of the United States

    Erica M. Williams

    Prospect Research Officer, Foundations

    Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

    Sarah Hughes Daly

    Director of Prospect Development

    Southern Methodist University

    Karen Foster

    National Service Center in Advancement

    InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

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